Perfect for me, that is. These children, precious gifts from God, continue to challenge and inspire me to be a better person. I don't deserve the joy that they bring into my life every day, but I will accept it for what it is -- a blessed gift.
Jonathan -- 8th grade. Fisher. Hunter. Swimmer. Leader. Knows more of the Bible than his MBI graduate mother. Comedian extrodinaire. And still thinks that "I didn't hear you" is a good excuse!
Andrew -- 7th grader. Bass player. Clarinest. Soccer Star. Great Friend. Posessess a love for life that excites me. Knows more than any of my kids when mom just needs someone to sit next to her. Likes to chat with me on facebook. And uses words like Trousers.
Caleb -- 7th grader. Rock star Clarinet player. Soccer Star. Rapid fast Wit. Smarter than his mother. Super fast reader. Very fast talker. Loyal and trustworthy. Asks hard questions. Has a tender heart and silly spirit. Eats food in the bathroom, too.
Rachel -- 5th grader. Cello player. Tender heart. Cares for the poor and the lonely. Devoted to what is right. More disciplined than I will ever be. Great reader and math student. Surprised us all by getting an A+ in Spelling this fall. Sometimes uses Oreo, the cat, for a pillow. Quickly becoming one of mom's best girl friends.
Love them. All of them. Even when they won't go to bed.
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