Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Don't Quote the Bible to Me!

The first time I walked into a 12 Steps Meeting, I felt like I was in a movie. As I said, "Hi, I'm Melissa," and heard in return, "Hello Melissa," I thought I was going to burst out laughing. It was, in part, a nervous laughter, along with a sense of how incredible it was that I had gotten myself to a place such as this.

When I walked into that meeting, I hated God, I hated the Bible, and I hated anyone who offered to pray for or with me. But at the same time, I was drawn to these things that I hated. I wanted so much to find that God really loved me. So here I was, shaking, ready to swear, and listening to people around me telling the world that they were here at this 12 Step Meeting because they wanted to grow in their Spiritual Life. I found out later that some of the people in the room thought I was a piece of work when my answer to the question of my appearance here went along the lines of, "I don't really know, but I have been spiritually abused and please don't give me any Bible verses." Yeah, I think they were probably thinking I was in the wrong place, too.

How had I gotten here? Well it wasn't an addiction to alcohol or drugs, but rather an addiciton to many other things, including over thinking and loving people to their detriment. In short, I was here because my life was out of control. In the years between kicking out my husband and discovering my son had cancer, my son had gotten better, my husband moved back in, I finished my Master's Degree, I had my dream job, and I had run three Ironman Triathlons. And I had never been more UNHAPPY. Depressed. Anxious. Angry. Scared. Full of Rage. My emotions were coming out all over the place and I was a complete wreck. There was one episode where I broke down in Cub Foods, yelling at my husband for who knows what minor infraction (I couldn't shop there for months). After years of coping fairly well, I was again thinking about suicide all the time. So, I went to the meeting suggested by my therapist.

It was with this group of people that I finally found the Room of Grace. It didn't happen right away, but over time I began to trust the people that I was with each week. By sharing their own stories of brokenness I realized that I was not alone. And by crying and laughing with me as I shared my own, these people shared with me a love that I had been craving. I came to find and know God's love through the love of other broken, deeply hurting people. Yeah, we shared some prayers and some Bible verses, too. But mostly it was through the sharing of our hearts that we found healing.

This group was yet another miracle in my life. Through God's gracious gift, I was able to receive their love. It is difficult to receive love because it requires trust and my trust had been broken. But God enabled me to trust, first others and then eventually him. It is only this received love that has the power to change lives.


Melissa Everts said...


I think after reading this blog, I understand what you mean by how important it is to have relationships and to have friends around me...You have had trust issues in that department as I have and I am beginning to see that importance of relationships and sharing life with others...Thanks for this blog.

Anonymous said...

This blog has helped me to realize that I can come out of hiding and begin to trust people again. I have had issues with trusting people all my life because I have gotten extremely hurt by the people I have trusted. I at one time also hated God because of all the mistrust issues that happened in my life, especially within my church. It's good to know that I am not alone in this struggle I am facing. I have begun to learn to trust again.

Thank you for sharing and for helping me to realize that I am truly not alone. These things happen more than we think and it is one of the most damaging things that can happen in life when it comes to relationships and trusting people.

Skerrib said...

It's a long and winding road...I feel like I'm coming into a period of healing and finding my voice. Again, or moreso, or something. Thanks for sharing your story...I look forward to more.

And you do triathlons--so cool!!

GRouston said...

I understand 100%, pent up rage, fear, just cannot cope and you don't know why. The the light comes on, its everything all at once, we're lost and alone, scared to death, isolated in our world of pain, loneliness, we just need LOVE. The only LOVE that heals is The Fathers LOVE for us, He really cares and loves us so deeply, it is so healing and welcome after such a long time. Amen and thanks for the openess and the honesty.