Drinking my first carmel cooler of the season. I'm in one of those really reflective, sensitive times of life where everything seems to take on bigger meaning that it should. I'm not sure if that will make sense to anyone but me.
I've been dreaming alot lately . . . about Africa, of all places. Twenty years ago when I first started thinking seriously about mission work I was ready to go anywhere but Africa. I'm not sure why, but Africa never really gripped my heart like Central Asia did.
But these days, Africa is all I can think about. Not sure why. During the holiday season I bought a new calendar. I passed over the adorable Boxer puppy one and went zooming straight into one that shows scenes from Africa. I simply had to have it. It's hanging on the wall of my office.
I am drawn this semester in a way I never had before towards my African students. Many of them are refugees from wars in places like the Sudan or Somalia. One young woman told me last week that she has not seen her parents for TEN years. They sent her to America along with her older sister and younger brother. They raised themselves, here in America.
There's a lot of turmoil right now in our city high schools between the Somali and American born students. So much hatred. So much misunderstanding. It simply breaks my heart to hear the stories my students tell me of what happens in their high schools. The adults in their world don't know what to do -- or aren't willing to do it. I'm not sure which. I feel drawn to do something . . . but what? Could I really be here, in this place, with Africa on my heart to do something in my city, 1000s of miles away from Africa?
I'm thinking. It feels a little dangerous to be thinking the way I am thinking. Could I dare to dream that my heart for missions wasn't completely shattered years ago?
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