Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Way too long

It has been way too long since I've last been here. Once school was out for the kids, my life swung into high gear and I've been running full steam ahead for the past six weeks!

After the Apple Du, my ITBS started acting up big time. After a number of visits to the chiropractor and the PT, I think we finally have it under control. I was able to run 90 minutes (run 8, walk 2)this past weekend with NO pain and to top it off I got home seven minutes faster than I did last year when I ran the whole loop!

I really love the IM lifestyle. Although I was planning not to race one this year, when Hawaii became a possibility I said yes with no hesitation. Now that I'm back in serious training mode I've realized how much I love training for long distance races, and I can't imagine a summer without long runs, long rides, and long open water swims. I probably should start thinking about what IM I'm going to do next summer since they fill up so fast! Two of my friends are planning to do IM Florida in 2008, so maybe I should join them -- or else go back to Madison since that is such a close race for me.

Two weekends ago I did the Chippewa Trail race with Marcia. 14 miles of canoeing, 30 miles of mountain biking, and 6 miles of trail running. Man, was that race ever hard! I was so done canoeing about 2 hours before we actually finished. I went flying over my handlebars on the bike (ouch!), and finished so late that the aid stations were closed on the run. Fortunately someone had abandoned a water bottle by the side of the road and I was so dehydrated that I didn't care what was in it. That water bottle saved my race. I marked my second last place finish -- and I'm proud of it. Considering the fact that I had been mountain biking exactly 3 times, and canoeing 2, and hadn't run at all since the Apple Du, I was awfully lucky to finish at all.

I'll try to get back to regular posting. It's going to take more discipline that training, though, I'm afraid!

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