It's been a rough year. I stopped writing just after Ellie's hotel, when our beloved boxer, Jack, died of unknown causes. We had just spend an unheard of amount of money to save him and he died anyway.
For months I couldn't write, I couldn't talk, and I couldn't see God.
Then I got depressed. More depressed than I have ever been. I don't even like to think back to that darkness.
I stopped talking to everyone. I closed myself off and listened only to the craziness of my mind.
When I finally reached out for help, my trusted therapist said to me, "I think you might be angry that you got depressed again. Does this feel like a failure to you?"
Um. Yeah. A big fat failure. It felt like a failure of grace and of everything that I had been learning.
Now I'm learning to be a bit more gentle with myself and with others. I'm certainly not very good at being nonjudgmental towards myself. It seems that I feel that everyone is worthy of grace and compassion but me.
But I'm learning that when I live with that as my truth, I have only made an idol out of perfection, which is not such a great God to serve.
So I'm back to writing again. At least for now, that is.