Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Ok, so now hills are my friend, too?

I think I know where this is leading. One of these days I'm going to write about challenges and how they make us stronger, or something like that. But for today I'll stick with the simple truth that I am finding enjoyment with running hills. It's kind of like the wind that I talked about a few days ago. It simply amazes me how different my approach to training is this time around. I'm embracing the difficult workouts like never before. Today during Master's swim I thought that I was not going to make it -- and to my great surprise, not only did I make it through a set, but I was able to keep going. I, in fact, DID NOT DIE.

I'm enjoying training more than I ever have before. I don't know if it is the fact that I'm going to Kona or if my thyroid levels really have been low for the past two years (I just started thyroid replacement meds) or if the month that I took off during April really helped or if I finally have some athletic base to build on. I only know that I haven't felt this good for this long in a very long time.

Today's workouts -- a 53 minute bike ride with 10x10 sec sprints and a few big hills thrown in for good measure. This was followed immediately by a 2200 yard Master's swim workout.

And now I'm off to give a final. I'll be grading like a fool for the next 24 hours to get grades in on time.

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