Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Spiritual Maturity Part Two

I've been thinking quite a bit the past 24 hours about the Barna report I read yesterday. I have realized that the message of grace doesn't sit well with many people. Grace has been abused and I think, not really understood by many in the church. It seems to be a word that we throw around with very little practical meaning.

So, I was listening to a great message by John Lynch which was preached atWoodmen Valley Church on April 26 of this year. I strongly encourage you to find some time to listen to his words. There is no way I can summarize what he has said more beautifully then he preached it. I did take the time to type out one quote, having to do with Spiritual Maturity, since that is what has been on my heart. He says:

Spiritual maturity takes place when we actually learn to be believe what God says is already true about me. Not what someday I might earn or be good enough to get. Put all that death away . . . It isn’t just that we know what the Bible says to be true about us in Christ but that we actually try it on and we wear it and we believe what Christ says is true about us. Godly people actually believe who they are in Christ and they live it out.

This I can do, with help from God and others. I already tried the doing everything the Bible says route. It just made me sick, exhausted, and more than a little depressed. The good news is that we are already righteous and that on my very worst day God is there with his arm around me saying, "I love you Melissa. I love you. You are my beloved daughter. Nothing you can do will make me love you more and nothing you can do will make me love you less. I'll help you deal with the pain and sin in your life. Us. Together. Not you trying to make your way back to me all by yourself. I've never left. I never will. I have chosen you and I will protect you."

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