Monday, May 5, 2008

A Chance to Help

Last week I talked about getting an award from the TRIO program at the college where I teach. I talked about the joy in discovering who had nominated me. Well this morning I saw Layla in the hallway outside my office. She was speaking in Somali on the telephone and was obviously upset. When she got off the phone, she came to me and told me the story. She was trying to help a neighbor get a doctor's appointment for her 2-year-old who had put something into her ear. She was unable to convince the appointment maker at the doctor's office to give them an appointment and was so concerned that this little girl would lose her hearing. She came to me and asked me if I could call the doctors office. I did so and was able to make an appointment for the girl later this morning.

Layla turned around as she was leaving and gave me a huge hug. And as I've reflected on this tiny opportunity to do something for another person I realized that helping others is a huge part of who I am. I am at my best when I'm serving others.

And it was also a good confirmation for me that I'm where I need to be right now. My mind is always cooking with other opportunities, other things that I could or should be doing. But between Layla and another student who shared some very difficult things with me last Friday, I know I'm in the right place right now. Opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others surround me. All I have to do is open my eyes, ears, and heart -- and make myself available to help when needed.

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